Adopted February 8, 2018
These rules apply to forums held by the LWV of Washington County for local elective offices.
- The League chooses to conduct candidate forums as a way of educating the electorate, and therefore will not use an election forum to discuss League positions on issues.
- All candidates will be invited to participate whose names will be printed on the ballot for upcoming primary or general elections as determined by the Washington County Board of Elections. This does exclude write-in candidates.
- If only one candidate for a particular elective office shows up at the event, it will be cancelled. However that candidate may meet and greet members of the audience individually.
- Moderators at LWV forums may not be persons running for any elective office.
- The moderator assisted by the League appointed time-keeper, will strive to ensure that all candidates have an equal amount of time to respond to questions.
- Other organizations may co-sponsor League forums, however they may not be organizations who have or intend to endorse any candidate. Co-sponsoring organizations must have agreed in writing to uphold these forum rules.
- Participants may be invited by email but all invitations will be confirmed by phone and a positive RSVP will be requested.
- No substitutes for candidates will be allowed in LWV forums.
- Candidate literature may not be on display in the room where the forum is to be held. Where possible, table space will be provided outside of the meeting room.
- Candidates will not wear campaign tee shirts or any badge larger than 2”.