The Washington County League has been brainstorming ways to engage young people in the task
of making democracy work. On this page we will share some of our conversations, a rationale, dreams and the beginnings of a youth led council, resourced by League members.
Here's how we plan to get started:
- We will use this webpage for initial outreach.
- We will allow students to pick a platform like Slack as a primary method of sharing and collecting information.
- We will use platforms like Instagram and posters for outreach in the fall of 2022.
- Initially we will target freshman because they are not already over-extended.
- We will emphasize leadership opportunities for all, networking, and a voice in the community.
- Meetings will be less than 30 minutes and will start after 8:00 p.m.
- There will be no officers, as we hope to teach leadership skills and give everyone a chance to lead.
Initial meetings will be foundational and might follow this pattern:
- Meeting 1. 15-20 minutes about County Commissioners.
- Meeting 2. 15-20 minutes about how they work.
- Meeting 3. 15-20 minutes about the latest issues.
- Meeting 4. start giving students choices on engagement.