The League of Women Voters of Washington County assists citizens to become more informed participants in their community and their government by
Producing Voters' Guides, Assisting at voter registration drives and providing information about voting;
Conducting community forums on local, state, and national issues, and distributing informational brochures and other publications (click here to review our rules for balanced forums);
Creating a monthly newsletter, and providing information about government on the national, state, and local levels.
- Citizens can keep abreast of local government meetings via the County Commissioner's meetings posted on their Facebook page like the State of the County, or
- Follow the City of Hagerstown Mayor and Council meeting on Facebook, or view the City State of the City here.
The League also conducts studies on issues such as transportation, housing, environmental concerns, campaign reform, etc. (See the Positions page for past studies from LWVs all over the state.) After the study has been completed and a consensus has been reached, the League states its position. At that point, the League may encourage action and/or advocacy on the local, state, or national levels.
The League has a rich history. Click here to view our history highlights!