We are celebrating National Voter Registration Day on Sept 20, 2022!

On September 20, 2022, National Voter Registration Day marks the 10th anniversary of celebrating and strengthening democracy since the holiday’s launch in 2012. 

Can you volunteer from 10 AM to 2  PM on Tuesday, September 20th?

NVRD at Hagerstown Community College

NVRD at the Washington County Free Library

NVRD at the Robinwood Farmers Market

Scroll to the bottom of the registration page to sign up...
About the Holiday

National Voter Registration Day is dedicated to getting every eligible American registered to vote for their next election. Every year, millions of Americans find themselves unable to vote because they miss a registration deadline, don’t update their registration, or aren’t sure how to register. As a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrated every September, National Voter Registration Day seeks to make sure everyone has the opportunity to get registered and vote.

Since 2012, nearly 4.7 million voters have registered to vote or updated their voter registrations on National Voter Registration Day, including 1.5 million in 2020 alone.

Join us as we spread out across Washington County to register voters!

National Voter Registration Day aims to make sure no one who wants to cast a ballot, regardless of political affiliation, misses the opportunity due to a registration problem. Political parties and candidates are trying to win an election, and thus focus their outreach to like-minded people with an established voting track record.

National Voter Registration Day, on the other hand, aims to make sure that no one is left out of the process. As such, we will target voters who may never have voted before, or who simply have let their registrations lapse after a missed election or two.

National Voter Registration Day is here to help!

Where would you like to volunteer on Tuesday, September 20 from 10 AM to 2 PM???

NVRD at Hagerstown Community College

NVRD at the Washington County Free Library

NVRD at the Robinwood Farmers Market


Would you like to host a National Voter Registration Day event?

We hope to have many volunteers and we are looking for additional sites that would have potential new voters and those who may need to update their registration. If your site would welcome our volunteers on Tuesday, September 20, please contact Genie at [email protected].